What is metabolism and what does it do for your body?

In many of my articles and in articles by other authors who write about fitness, nutrition and sports, the word "metabolism" is used. Apparently, it is something that is important to us. Therefore an article in which I try to explain it as simply as possible. Metabolism according to Wikipedia Metabolism or metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολισμός "metabolism" = change or conversion) is the whole of biochemical processes that take place in cells and organisms. Enzymes play a central role in the conversions. A distinction is usually made between the build-up of substances using energy (anabolism) and the breakdown of more complex substances that release energy (catabolism). Source In other words ... it is also known as 'metabolism' and it ensures that our nutrients are broken down and converted into energy. The energy that we can then use to move, breathe and keep warm, for example. It actually ensures that our body continues to function. What it does for your bod...